

Real Estate is bouncing to heights not seen since the crash in 09.

The steals and deals of just two years ago are long gone in some parts of the country.

The landscape, however, has changed. The mortgage process has become much more strict and time consuming.

Today’s buyers are savvy and connected.

Visibility of data is easy to locate; determining whether the books are cooked is anther matter.

I believe that many of these buyers and sellers still need to understand the long term view. Real estate consulting is part of the process of the client/ agent relationship. Like any good “sales model”, time must be invested prior to proceeding to the check out counter.

The biggest problem for most agents is lack of a good business model.

In short, the processes are not efficient and do not utilize the principle of highest and best use of our time and resources.

We have a new business model that we are building that will dramatically change your outlook on how to work.

If you are considering a career in Real Estate, please contact us for a no-nonsense discussion on how we can leverage our unique skills and talents to help each other.