Stay put.
Evidently, that’s what’s happening more and more across America according to recent studies.
Choosing to move is one thing, having to another.
When the economy is healthy and vibrant, the population is fluid.
Sellers have an abundance of buyers to pay them a fair price for their home. Buyers have enough reasonably priced inventory from which to choose.
We all live happily ever after.
Especially real estate agents, mortgage brokers, home repair contractors, building supply stores.
What’s not to like?
Whatever the reason, we are less mobile. That trend suggests that Buyers need to make sure they not only get a good deal, but that they like the home enough to stay there awhile.
It seems people aren’t the only ones in trouble. The motor city is dealing with its own problems with inertia.
Barry Ritholtz offers some ideas regarding homeowners and their current aggregate equity position.
Everyone’s situation is unique.
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When you need help give us a call.