Shooting the breeze with my barber once a month while he attends to business, I get a fresh perspective on the state of the economy and local real estate activity.
These days I guess he seems to be more of a psychiatrist then a barber. “Everyone is depressed, complaining they have no money and can’t pay the bills. It’s no fun.”
And I am thinking, imagine how lucky we are, what would it be like to live in a third world country?
Listening to all the anger and frustration, he is witness to the beginning stages of what I believe is more to come. Buyers just don’t seem to have any urgency, or capability, as they wait for prices to fall some more.
The banks, and then everyone else, will also be taking a haircut on their property. It is inevitable that prices continue to soften with more inventory becoming available.
Like they say, please don’t shoot the messenger.
Keep your sense of humor, and look for ways to cut your expenses, increase your income, and save for that rainy day.